In this quarters update we look at legislation updates coming into force in July, our new 1 to 1 HR Coaching for Managers, along with the issue of Covid vaccinations and employment.

We hope you find this information helpful, if you would like more detail on any aspect please contact us.  Don’t forget to take a look at our website to see the full range of our services.

From basic Contracts of Employment to a fully Outsourced HR service we can help.  If you would like to know more about any of our support, consultancy, and training services, and see how we can help you, please visit our website or contact us at to arrange a Free no-obligation consultation.

To get the latest case law updates follow us on Twitter (@connectiveMAC).

Legislation Updates / Case Law

Job Retention Scheme

From 1st July 2021, employers will need to contribute to furlough pay for unworked hours, starting with a 10 per cent contribution in July and rising to a 20 per cent contribution from August until the Scheme closes at the end of September 2021.

Covid-19 and Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)

Employers are currently required to pay employees from the first ‘qualifying day’ they’re off work. From 6th July 2021, employers will need to pay SSP if someone in the employees support bubble (or extended household in Scotland or Wales) has symptoms or has tested positive for Covid-19.  In short, changes to the rules mean people can claim sick pay if they are having to self-isolate because of contact with someone who has Covid.

New Graduate Visa

The new Graduate route will be open for applications from 1st July 2021. This visa category will allow international students, who have successfully completed their higher education either as a Student or Tier 4 migrant, to apply for a 2 or 3 year visa to work (including self-employment).

Covid Vaccination and Employment

The question of whether employers can require staff to be vaccinated against Covid to work for them, whether existing staff or for new recruits, is a question that is now being asked and is subject to ongoing discussions.  The current position is detailed below.

For existing staff the legality of this would depend very much on the terms of employment and the particular contract, although it is unlikely that any existing contracts of employment make the approach of requiring existing staff to be vaccinated lawful.  Therefore any such approach would in all likelihood end up in an Employment Tribunal.

There is nothing legally to stop a business from placing a clause that requires a Covid vaccination in contracts for new hires, and the latest view is that it may be legal for companies to insist on new staff being vaccinated as a condition of their employment (i.e. by having that condition written into the terms and conditions of the employment contract).  However, employers are advised to analyse each job role and evaluate health and safety risks before introducing any such a clause.  Failure to do so would make it possible to challenge a contract as being unfair or discriminatory, if a claimant can prove they are exempt from having the vaccine for some reason, or unable to access it.  For example:

  • If you’ve got someone coming to work in a care home and they’re a hands-on carer or a nurse they are going to be having significant close contact with clients at the care home, you can understand why the management would want people to be vaccinated;
  • If you’ve got somebody who works at home and has absolutely no day-to-day contact with other people, other than by virtual means, then ‘no jab no job’ will likely be seen to be unreasonable.

Another shorter term issue could be the potential for age discrimination given younger age groups will have to wait longer to have the “jab”.  Again, the general view currently is that any such approaches for new staff may also end up being challenged in an Employment Tribunal.


Unions appear to be positioning themselves to challenge any such cases, and Downing Street has said it would be “discriminatory” to order people to be vaccinated to keep their job.

Therefore, to sum up, employers should:

  • make sure that they’ve looked at their risk assessments;
  • decided the clear business reasons why they require people to have the vaccine;
  • how that’s going to reduce the risk of Covid in the workplace and therefore protect the business; and
  • be prepared to defend any challenges in an Employment Tribunal.

We are starting to see the first cases being determined but until further case law has been established, or legislation specifically covering this is introduced, there is unlikely to be a clear answer.


Operational Managers are key to a Company’s success, and how they work with and manage their teams is an essential part of this.

We have recently introduced the following ‘1 to 1 HR Coaching for Managers’ modules that are delivered remotely via Microsoft Teams:

  • Being an Effective Manager / Responsibilities of a Manager;
  • Dealing with Misconduct (Discipline), Poor Performance (Capability) and Grievances;
  • Managing Attendance / Sickness Absence;
  • Managing Performance / Developing People;
  • Dealing With Conflict.

Each module is focussed on the key elements involved, and takes around 1 to 1½ hours, with Managers also completing a workbook containing a number of questions and scenarios which is then analysed and feedback provided to ensure an in-depth understanding of the subject(s).

We also provide the following classroom based training courses (when social distancing rules allow) to help Managers deal with issues and people correctly to enhance your business:

  • Managing Discipline & Grievance;
  • Influencing Styles and Persuasive Negotiating;
  • Managing Conflict;
  • Managing Performance;
  • Managing Attendance.

All of our courses can be tailored to suit your exact needs and delivered at your premises if required.

More details on all of the above can be found on our website.

Partner Services

We have long-term partnerships with key providers which enables us to provide other recommended services to our clients covering:

  • Legal Services;
  • Financial Services;
  • Health Insurance and Staff Healthcare Benefits;
  • Health and Safety.

Visit our website to see full information on our partners and their services.